Become a consumer member of the Food Hub and become a part of the community!

Shopping at our hub gives you a voice in the direction of building a more sustainable food system on the Killick Coast!

And it’s no secret that locally-grown and produced food is the way to go, right? By minimizing the distance between farm and table, our food has a longer shelf life, a smaller carbon footprint, improved taste, and in many cases, a higher nutrient content. Our vendors provide us with only the exact amount that was ordered by consumers, drastically reducing food waste. Every product is producer-direct– never from third party distributors, which maintains our commitment to ensure fair prices for producers and customers, and full transparency on the products we offer.

Also, by purchasing local products, you are supporting local businesses and helping to create a fair and sustainable local food economy. By supporting your local farmers and producers today, you help ensure that they’re here tomorrow!

Here’s our schedule:

Saturday 9am - Monday midnight : Online store is open.

Tuesday - Thursday: We gather your order

Thursday: Your order is available for pick-up between 3:00-7:00pm at Tilt House Bakery, or delivery from our friends at Big Feed Club if you live within the Killick Coast or metro area.

There’s truly something for everyone but if there’s an item you think we should be carrying, please let us know! We work with a growing list of local producers, representing a wide range of food products including fruits, vegetables, baked goods, meat, pantry items, value-added products and more, and we’ll do our best to provide as wide a variety as possible.

Happy shopping!

~ Your Killick Coast Food Hub Team

Please Note: The Killick Coast Food Hub is not responsible for the packaging of individual items. We trust our vendors to grow, produce and package their product responsibly as set out by our guidelines.